Resilience is, most basically, a tolerance for stress. Different people cope in different ways, so naturally there are many things that can make a person resilient.
How to Talk to Your Child about the Fight for Social Equity
The fight for social equity is all around us. As parents, we can’t ignore it. Our kids are aware that something is up. Some are more aware of what that is than others. If you have been reluctant to talk to your kids about it, here are some tips that can help you broach the subject.
Cultivating Connection with Kindness
I know things are still hard. Do me a favor. Close your eyes. Take a slow deep breath in. As you breathe in, say to yourself “I got this.” Breathe out. On your second deep, slow breath, say to yourself, “Things are going to get better.” On your last breath in, “It’s ok to make mistakes. I’m always learning.”
4 Steps to Being Adaptable… According to a Military Spouse
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s the importance of learning and maintaining a mindset of adaptability. Here are four steps to do so.
Keeping Things Hot: Love and Intimacy Advice from a Sex Therapist
Have you ever wanted more sexual intimacy than your partner? Have you felt pressured for more sexual intimacy than you wanted? If so, you might have mismatched sexual desire with your partner, but it doesn’t have to be this way forever.