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Project Village
Lauren Ross TED Talk
Strengthening Your Safety Net and Why It’s Essential
This past year has been hard----REALLY, REALLY HARD. We’ve all had to dig deep into our reserves of funds, emotions, patience, and resilience in order to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many families have had moments (or weeks or months) of crisis,...
Creating Healthy Habits With Kids
What healthy habits do you want to instill in your children? There are the basics, like brushing teeth, keeping yourself and your area clean, and eating your vegetables. And then there are ones like reading and being generous/sharing. One thing’s for sure, as a parent...
Building Resilience in Our Children
Resilience is, most basically, a tolerance for stress. Different people cope in different ways, so naturally there are many things that can make a person resilient.
How to Talk to Your Child about the Fight for Social Equity
The fight for social equity is all around us. As parents, we can’t ignore it. Our kids are aware that something is up. Some are more aware of what that is than others. If you have been reluctant to talk to your kids about it, here are some tips that can help you broach the subject.
Cultivating Connection with Kindness
I know things are still hard. Do me a favor. Close your eyes. Take a slow deep breath in. As you breathe in, say to yourself “I got this.” Breathe out. On your second deep, slow breath, say to yourself, “Things are going to get better.” On your last breath in, “It’s ok to make mistakes. I’m always learning.”
Lauren Ross TED Talk
Ashley Gibbs Davis
Lauren Ross
The CW – Morning after with Lauren Ross (August 10th, 2020)
Project Village went from a small Facebook group to a having over 40,000 'neighbors' helping each other through the pandemic. Watch the news interview here.
How to Stop the Baby Talk
Lauren shares advice for a child who uses baby talk, in the online Colorado Parent Magazine. Read the full article here, published in August, 2020.
Growing a Reader: Cultivating a Love of Reading in Young Children
Lauren shares how books have helped her breathe life and imagination into the teaching of social and emotional skills both at work and at home, with PBS SoCal (published in April, 2020). Read the full article here.
Project Village
Strengthening Your Safety Net and Why It’s Essential
This past year has been hard----REALLY, REALLY HARD. We’ve all had to dig deep into our reserves of funds, emotions, patience, and resilience in order to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many families have had moments (or weeks or months) of crisis,...
Creating Healthy Habits With Kids
What healthy habits do you want to instill in your children? There are the basics, like brushing teeth, keeping yourself and your area clean, and eating your vegetables. And then there are ones like reading and being generous/sharing. One thing’s for sure, as a parent...
Helping Your Child Survive Remote Learning
Online learning is still going strong for many! It’s halfway through the year, and this format of learning is wearing on many teachers, parents, and students. How do you keep things going smoothly so the second half of the year is just as productive, or more...
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